Urenda Rencoret Orrego & Dörr
Urenda Rencoret Orrego & Dörr
Office Address:
Av. Andrés Bello 2711
16th floor
Las Condes
7550611 SANTIAGO
+56 2 2499 5500
+56 2 2499 5555
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Nicholas MocarquerPartnerPrimary Contact1504MOCARQUER, NICHOLASTrue
Alberto RencoretPartnerPrimary Contact2760RENCORET, ALBERTOTrue
Jaime ClaroAssociate 7751CLARO, JAIMEFalse
Juan Carlos Dörr B.Partner 2750DORR B., JUAN CARLOSFalse
Juan Carlos Dörr Z.Partner 2751DÖRR Z., JUAN CARLOSFalse
Gonzalo ErrázurizPartner 2825ERRAZURIZ, GONZALOFalse
José Ignacio GajardoAssociate 6553GAJARDO, JOSÉ IGNACIOFalse
María Ignacia GuzmánAssociate 5604GUZMÁN, MARÍA IGNACIAFalse
Andrea Paulina HarlenAssociate 6537HARLEN, ANDREAFalse
Raimundo ManzurAssociate 7750MANZUR, RAIMUNDOFalse
Constanza MonckebergAssociate 6502MONCKEBERG, CONSTANZAFalse
Juan Pablo MoralesAssociate 2759MORALES, JUAN PABLOFalse
Sergio OrregoPartner 1438ORREGO, SERGIOFalse
Catalina PadillaAssociate 6563PADILLA, CATALINAFalse
Felipe RencoretAssociate 2762RENCORET, FELIPEFalse
Gonzalo RencoretPartner 1505RENCORET, GONZALOFalse
Rafael RencoretAssociate 2763RENCORET, RAFAELFalse
Verónica RoaAssociate 2765ROA, VERONICAFalse
Sebastián RodilloAssociate 7752RODILLO, SEBASTIÁNFalse
Francisca SaiehAssociate 6545SAIEH, FRANCISCAFalse

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