Visiting Lawyer Programme

The Multilaw Visiting Lawyer Programme provides lawyers at member firms with the opportunity to travel to another firm, forge relationships with lawyers at that firm and familiarise themselves with a new jurisdiction.  The relationships formed during the placement often lead to referral opportunities which continue long after the placement has ended. The programme also provides a strong marketing tool for firms when attempting to attract young lawyers to join as the opportunity for placement in a different country or jurisdiction if often a key consideration when lawyers are deciding which firm to join.  


The length of placement can be 1, 2 or 3 months or even longer depending upon what is mutually beneficial for the host and sending firms. The sending firm incurs the cost of travel and housing but the host firm may assist with finding suitable accommodation.  Although a direct exchange of lawyers between two firms is possible it is not a requirement to participate in the programme. You can host a lawyer without sending a lawyer, or send a lawyer to another firm without having to host one.  

The programme provides a great way for Multilaw to increase its visibility among member firms and each member firm is encouraged to take advantage of this valuable opportunity.  For more information contact [email protected]

Download the Visiting Lawyer Programme Guidelines and List of Participating Firms below.
VLP Guidelines
(Adobe PDF File)