Shelley Slade-Gully
About Me
Shelley is a specialist in Intellectual Property law and Education law, joining Tompkins Wake in 2018, becoming a Partner in 2020.

Shelley leads our IP practice and specialises in trade mark law, with expertise in multi-jurisdictional trade mark portfolio management and cross border IP strategies. She regularly advises on trade mark strategy, IP licensing and dispute matters (including trade mark opposition and revocation proceedings with the Intellectual Property Office of NZ, copyright and design disputes).

Named as a recommended lawyer in The Legal 500 for Intellectual Property in the Asia Pacific, Shelley’s immense value to clients lies in her drive to thoroughly appreciate and understand the client’s desired outcomes, empowering clients to align their IP strategies with their core business strategies and functions. Shelley has significant experience dealing with agribusinesses, particularly those involved in primary production. Her advice enables her clients to distinguish and protect their brands both nationally and internationally, in line with the international trend of ‘paddock to plate’ traceability.

Shelley also is a specialist in Education law, particularly in the tertiary sector. She has significant experience advising public sector organisations in administrative law matters. Shelley has had regular dealings with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner and Office of Ombudsman.

Shelley is also experienced working with not-for-profit, charitable and philanthropic organisations, charitable companies and incorporated societies. She helps them to establish effective legal structures and advises on governance issues.
LLB (Hons), BMS (Hons), University of Waikato
Professional Associations
Member of the Institute of Directors of New Zealand, Member of the Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand, Member of the Sonning and Waikato Diocesan Old Girls’ Association Incorporated
Published Articles
Languages Spoken

Practice Areas

Commercial Contracts
Data Privacy & Information Security
Intellectual Property

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Multilaw Contact Partner
Tompkins Wake
Office Address:
Westpac House
Level 8
430 Victoria Street
00 64 7 838 6004
Work phone:
00 64 7 838 6004
Mobile Number:
00 64 21 868 950

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